
Friday, February 11, 2011

I miss the huge – tall tree.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
which once I thought would hit the clouds,
if it could hop a bit.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
which once glowed my face to the dreams of me, climbing to its brim; to  pluck the golden stars.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
in which once had a swarm of unknown night-birds, sung in harmony, to bring rains from far.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
on which once I thought, would build my house atop, only to see the moon a li’l closer.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
to which once I looked upon as a hope, to look beyond sky blue hues.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
which once gave me all the happiness I could have as a kid.

I miss the huge – tall tree,
to a huge-huge-tall-taller concrete rise; along with all my happiness, dreams and singing birds flew away.

I miss rain, I miss my shade, and I deeply miss the huge – tall tree.

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