
Thursday, August 11, 2011

I want my surprise to shine.

How long should I be impatient?
Plain pain is seeping through;
Emotions are waiting to be exploded,
Nightmares have to be hand-cuffed,
Expectations have to be plucked away.

In the dream,
Yellow-black snake turned into a dragon-fly; and it flew into my eyes.
Hush puppies harmlessly bit my ankle.
I slept with a lady in a puffy red gown – I kissed her breast;
When I touched her hips, I saw the world revolve.

Nervousness is killing my nights,
Silence is eating my thoughts,
I’m being tied to my shoes buried deep down in the mud.
I want my surprise to shine; somewhere in (my) pale blank sky.
Help. Someone please, uproot me. Throw away.

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